Hill's k/d + Mobility Kidney + Joint Care Prescription Diet | zooplus (2024)

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  • Hill's Prescription Diet k/d + Mobility

4 kg

: 5/5


Diät-Trockenfutter zur Unterstützung der normalen Gelenk- & Nierenfunktion, begrenzte Menge an hochwertigem Protein, wenig Phosphor, hoher Gehalt an Omega-3 & EPA, angepasster Vitamin E-Gehaltweiter


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Artikel wählen (4 Varianten)

41,49 €

10,37 € / kg

41,49 €

37,34 €

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Hill's k/d + Mobility Kidney + Joint Care Prescription Diet | zooplus (46)Hill's k/d + Mobility Kidney + Joint Care Prescription Diet | zooplus (47)

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Hill's Prescription Diet k/d + Mobility

- 4 kg


10,37 € / kg

Hill's Prescription Diet k/d Kidney Care- 12 x 370 g37,49€8,44 € / kg

Hill's k/d + Mobility Kidney + Joint Care Prescription Diet | zooplus (50)

Brauchen Sie Hilfe bei der Produktauswahl?

Unser Hill's Futterberater hilft Ihnen weiter


Diät-Trockenfutter zur Unterstützung der normalen Gelenk- & Nierenfunktion, begrenzte Menge an hochwertigem Protein, wenig Phosphor, hoher Gehalt an Omega-3 & EPA, angepasster Vitamin E-Gehalt

  • Mit dem Kauf des ausgewählten tierärztlichen Futters bestätigst du, dass dein Tier von einem Tierarzt bzw. einer Tierärztin untersucht wurde, der/die dieses spezielle tierärztliche Futter aufgrund einer Diagnose empfohlen hat, und dass du die folgenden Hinweise gelesen und verstanden hast.
  • Bitte spreche mit deinem Tierarzt bzw. deiner Tierärztin, bevor du dieses Futter deinem Tier geben oder wenn du den Fütterungszeitraum verlängern möchtest.
  • Wenn du dein Tier mit diesemtierärztlichem Futter fütterst, solltest du hierzu regelmäßig (alle 6 Monate) den Rat von deinem Tierarzt bzw. deiner Tierärztin einholen.
  • Falls sich der gesundheitliche Zustand deines Tieres verschlechtert, wende dich bitte sofort an deinen Tierarzt bzw. deine Tierärztin.

Ein köstliches Diät-Trockenfutter, das Ihren Vierbeiner im alltäglichen Leben unterstützen kann:Hill's Prescription Diet k/d + Mobility wurde speziell zur Unterstützung der normalen Nieren- und Gelenkfunktion von erwachsenen Hunden entwickelt.

Das dietätische Hundefutter bestitzt einen niedrigen Phosphor-und angepassten Proteingehalt, wobei die Proteine jedoch von hoher Qualität sind und ein wertvolles Aminosäureprofil aufweisen. So kann die natürliche Nierenfunktion bei chronischer oder akuter Niereninsuffizienz unterstützt werden.Hill's Prescription Diet k/d + Mobility weist zudem einen hohen Gehalt an EPA und Omega-3-Fettsäuren sowie einen angemessenen Vitamin E-Gehalt auf, was demnormalen Gelenkstoffwechsel zuträglich sein kann.

Hill's Prescription Diet k/d + Mobility Trockenfutter für Hundeim Überblick:

  • Diät-Alleinfuttermittelzur Unterstützung der Nierenfunktion bei chronischer oder akuter Niereninsuffizienz und zur Unterstützung des Gelenkstoffwechsels bei Osteoarthrose bei erwachsenen Hunden
  • Unterstützung der Nieren: niedriger Phosphor- & begrenzter Proteingehalt, jedoch hochwertiges Protein mit wertvollem Aminosäurenprofil
  • Normale Gelenkfunktion:hoher Gehalt an EPA & Gesamtgehalt an Omega-3-Fettsäuren, angemessener Gehalt an Vitamin E
  • Guter Geschmack: mit leckerem Huhn, hohe Akzeptanz auch bei vermindertem Appetit
  • Quelle für Chondroitin & Glucosamin
  • Ausgewogen und vitalstoffreich: mit Vitaminen, Mineralstoffen, Spurenelementen sowie Beta Carotin und natürlichen Antioxidantien
  • Von Tierärzten empfohlen: ein von Veterinärmedizinern häufig verordnetes, klinisch wirksames Futter

Erfahren Sie mehr über die Marke Hill's und ihre Produkte:
Hill's Markenshop I Science Plan I Prescription Diet I Snacks



Braureis, Mais, Leinsamen, tierische Fette, Rübentrockenschnitzel, Proteinhydrolysat, Trockenvollei, Erbsenprotein, Fischöl, Sojabohnenöl, Mineralstoffe, L-Carnitin, Vitamine, Schweineknorpel (Quelle für Chondroitinsulfat), Spurenelemente, Krustentierhydrolysat (Quelle für Glucosamin) und Beta-Carotin. Mit natürlichem Antioxidans (gemischte Tocopherole).

Ernährungsphysiologische Zusatzstoffe:
Vitamin A (10.379 IE/kg) [E672], Vitamin D3 (860 IE/kg) [E671], Vitamin E (600 mg/kg), Vitamin C (90 mg/kg), Beta-Carotin (1,5 mg/kg), Eisen (78,6 mg/kg) [E1], Jod (1,9 mg/kg) [E2], Kupfer (7,7 mg/kg) [E4], Mangan (8,1 mg/kg) [E5], Zink (138 mg/kg) [E6], Selen (0,2 mg/kg) [E8], Chondroitinsulfat(279 mg/kg), mit natürlichem Antioxidans.

Analytische Bestandteile

Rohprotein14.2 %
Rohfett19.2 %
Rohfaser2.3 %
Rohasche4.1 %
Kalzium0.59 %
Phosphor0.27 %
Magnesium0.09 %
Kalium0.62 %
Natrium0.17 %
Omega-3 Fettsäure3.51 %
EPA / DHA0.35 mg


Hill's Prescription Diet k/d + Mobility Trockenfutter ist ein Diät-Alleinfuttermittel für Hunde.

Gewicht des HundesMenge in g/Tag
2.5 kg45 - 65
5 kg80 - 110
10 kg135 - 185
20 kg225 - 310
30 kg305 - 420
40 kg380 - 520
50 kg445 - 615
60 kg+10 g pro kg

Die angegebenen Futtermengen sind nur Richtwerte und sollten den individuellen Bedürfnissen angepasst werden, um das optimale Körpergewicht zu erhalten.
Füttern Sie dieses Futter zum ersten Mal? Mischen Sie über einen Zeitraum von 7 Tagen immer mehr des neuen Futters unter immer weniger des bisherigen Futters. Stellen Sie immer frisches Wasser bereit.


Hill's k/d + Mobility Kidney + Joint Care Prescription Diet | zooplus (51)Hill's k/d + Mobility Kidney + Joint Care Prescription Diet | zooplus (52)

: 5/5

Gesamtbewertung (1)

: 5/5(1): 4/5(0): 3/5(0): 2/5(0): 1/5(0)
Wie wir mit Produktbewertungen umgehen


Hill's k/d + Mobility Kidney + Joint Care Prescription Diet | zooplus (53)Hill's k/d + Mobility Kidney + Joint Care Prescription Diet | zooplus (54)

Neueste Kundenbewertungen

27.10.19|Rauhaardackel und Schäferhund

: 5/5

Super 🔝📶‼️

Wirkung wie beschrieben, wird gerne gefressen, Hund ist in top Kondition. Wir füttern es in Kombination mit anderem Futter, um für diesen speziellen Hund eine optimale Mischung zu bekommen. Blutwerte auch in hohem Alter hervorragend, Verträglichkeit und Verwertung bestens. Höherer Preis, besonders natürlich bei einem 40kg-Hund, aber jeden Cent wert.

Hill's k/d + Mobility Kidney + Joint Care Prescription Diet | zooplus (2024)


Which Hills RX Diet is used for pets with kidney disease? ›

ActivBiome+ Kidney Defense is specifically formulated to support pets with CKD.

Do you need a prescription for Hill's Diet? ›

Prescription Diet foods do not require a traditional prescription, but they do require a recommendation and approval from a licensed veterinarian. Schedule an appointment to ask your veterinarian to assess your pet's health and nutritional needs.

What is the difference between Hill's Science Diet and Prescription Diet? ›

What is the difference between Hill's Prescription Diet™ and Science Diet™ brand pet foods? Hill's Prescription Diet™ brand pet foods are formulated to address specific medical conditions that can develop in pets. Science Diet™ brand pet foods are formulated to meet the needs of healthy pets during various life stages.

What does prescription kidney food do? ›

Therapeutic foods for kidney conditions are designed to help reduce workload on the kidneys, enabling them to function more effectively. Dogs with decreased kidney function may experience loss of appetite and their food intake might decline.

What does k/d mean in dog food? ›

Hill's nutritionists and veterinarians developed Hill's Prescription Diet k/d clinical nutrition with ActivBiome+ Kidney Defense, a proprietary blend of prebiotics shown to activate the gut microbiome to help protect kidney function.

What food is best for dogs with kidney disease? ›

These diets are formulated to help dogs with CKD avoid metabolic acidosis and are available from your veterinarian. Examples include Hill's® Prescription Diet® k/d®, Royal Canin® Veterinary Diet Canine Renal Support, Purina® ProPlan® Veterinary Diet NF Kidney Function®, and Rayne Clinical Nutrition™ Adult Health-RSS™.

Why is Hill's prescription diet so expensive? ›

“Hill's picked the name 'Prescription Diet. ' Hill's spends millions to convince veterinarians to 'prescribe' these foods to the vulnerable owners of sick cats and dogs. And, no surprise, Hill's charges a lot more for these products compared to similar and cheaper off-the-shelf pet foods that the company also makes.

How long can a dog be on Hill's prescription diet? ›

Hill's Prescription Diet r/d Dry Dog Food is intended for intermittent feeding only and is not recommended for long-term feeding (over 6 months). Please consult your veterinarian for further information on how our Prescription Diet foods can help your dog to continue to enjoy a happy and active life.

What are the side effects of Hill's prescription diet? ›

About Excessive Levels of Vitamin D

Dogs may exhibit symptoms such as vomiting, loss of appetite, increased thirst, increased urination, excessive drooling, and weight loss. Pet parents with dogs who have consumed any of the products listed and are exhibiting any of these signs should contact their veterinarian.

Is Royal Canin or Hills better? ›

Overall. You can't go wrong with either Hill's Science Diet or Royal Canin, but you might prefer to save money and go with Hill's Science Diet. Without any nutritional advantage or taste improvement, we can't justify the higher price tag of Royal Canin dog food.

Is prescription pet food worth it? ›

The manufacturers of these specialty diets make unfounded claims that they treat disease when their products contain no unique drug or ingredient; the products often contain harmful ingredients in higher percentages than non-specialty pet food; and these “special” foods usually cost twice as much.

Is Hill's owned by Purina? ›

Hill's is owned by Colgate-Palmolive. In 2022, Hill's annual revenue was approximately US$3,713 billion, according to Petfood Industry's top companies database. This annual revenue made Hill's the third largest pet food company on the planet, trailing Mars Pet Care and Nestle Purina Petcare.

What is the miracle drug for kidneys? ›

Medicines in the SGLT2 inhibitor class include canagliflozin, dapagliflozin and empagliflozin. "In large trials, we observed groundbreaking success with those medications in slowing down the progression of chronic kidney disease, to the extent of avoiding dialysis and the need for kidney transplantation," Dr.

Is chicken ok for dogs with kidney disease? ›

Low-phosphorus protein sources: Choose low-phosphorus protein options such as egg whites, chicken breast, or fish. Higher-phosphorus proteins such as beef, pork, and whole eggs should be consumed in moderation, and, if used in a kidney diet, should be carefully balanced with the other ingredients.

Is salmon ok for dogs with kidney disease? ›

Increased Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids are shown to slow the progression of chronic kidney disease by reducing inflammatory compounds which place stress on your dog's kidneys to process. Many foods with increased levels of omega-3 contain fish, such as salmon, which dogs enjoy.

Is Hill's Prescription diet for kidney disease in cats? ›

Hill's PRESCRIPTION DIET k/d Cat Food with Chicken is a complete dietetic pet food for support of renal function in case of chronic or temporary renal insufficiency in adult cats. This food has a low level of phosphorus and a restricted level of protein but of high quality.

Is Hill's feline renal support? ›

Hill's nutritionists and veterinarians developed Prescription Diet® k/d®, clinical nutrition to support your cat's kidney function and help sustain muscle mass. In fact, the nutrition of k/d is clinically tested nutrition to improve & lengthen quality of life.

Is there a liquid diet for dogs with kidney disease? ›

RENAL LIQUID is a complete dietetic feed for dogs formulated to support renal function in the case of chronic or temporary renal insufficiency, through its low level of phosphorus and high quality protein. RECOMMENDATIONS: Feed until restoration is achieved. Administration under veterinary supervision.

What are the best treats for cats with kidney failure? ›

When cats suffer from kidney disease, they might lose interest in eating or become selective about their food. That's where freeze-dried beef kidney treats come in – they're irresistible to cats and can re-ignite their appetite, ensuring they get the essential nutrition they need.

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Name: Carmelo Roob

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Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.